印尼勞動管理諮詢服務 jkt4tw

印尼勞動管理諮詢服務 jkt4tw

印尼僱傭合約: 定期,不定期; 印尼員工福利: 員工休假,病假,產假,陪產假,照顧假,育兒假,殤假,婚假:養卹金和社會保障: 意外補償; 印尼資遣員工:預告期,遣散費,失業保險。

Jakarta time zone:
The Engaging Manager Cindy Luo, Indonesia citizenship, speak English, Bahasa and Chinese

China Time Zone:
聯絡人: 林幸穗 Anny Lin 協理
skype: annylin8008
wechat: annylin8008
電話:+886-2-2717-0515 分機:110

Indonesia Hiring

20.10. 印尼僱傭合約 Employment Contracts —


  • 雇主名稱、地址和業務類型;
  • 員工的姓名、性別、年齡和家庭住址;
  • 職業和工作類型;
  • 工作地點或工作場所;
  • 工資數額和支付方式;
  • 員工和雇主的權利和義務;
  • 合同的開始日期和期限;人力資源
  • 工作協議的地點和日期;和
  • 雙方簽字。


  • 員工的姓名和地址,
  • 開始工作的日期,
  • 工作類型,以及
  • 工資金額

擁有 10 名員工或以上的雇主必須制定公司條例,規定雇主和員工的權利和義務、工作條件、紀律規定和行為規則,以及它們的有效期。
之後可以續簽一次固定期限的僱傭協議,最長為兩年,但必須在原始僱傭協議到期後至少 30 個日曆日之後才能續簽。

All employees must have a work agreement written in Indonesia and signed by both the employer and the worker.
A work agreement must state the terms and conditions of employment, including:

  • employer’s name, address and type of business;
  • worker’s name, sex, age and home address;
  • occupation and type of work;
  • duty stations or workplace;
  • amount of wages and method of payment;
  • rights and obligations of the worker and the employer;
  • starting date and duration of the contract; HUMAN RESOURCES
  • place and date of the work agreement; and
  • signatures of both parties.
    The provisions in a work agreement must be at least as favorable to the worker as the labor law and regulations, the company regulations or the collective bargaining agreement.

Oral work agreements are permitted for permanent work, but in such cases the employer must prepare a letter of appointment for the worker that includes:

  • worker’s name and address,
  • starting date of work,
  • type of work, and
  • amount of wages

Employers with 10 or more workers must establish company regulations that specify the rights and obligations of the employer and the workers, working conditions, disciplinary provisions and rules of conduct, and the period of their validity.
Employers are not required to have internal regulations if there is already a collective bargaining agreement in place.
Indonesian workers can enter into either fixed-term or open-ended labor contracts.
Regulations limit the time companies can employ outsourced workers and guarantee holiday allowances, annual leave, and social security benefits for these workers.
Outsourcing licenses expire in three years and are subject to review every six months.
An employment agreement for an indefinite period may require a probationary period of not more than three months.

If a probationary period is required, it must be stated in the employment contract.
A probationary period may not be imposed on a definite-period worker.
The maximum validity of the initial definite-period employment agreement is two years, extendable one time for up to one year.
Subsequently, it is possible to renew a definite-period employment agreement once for up to two years, but only after a break of at least 30 calendar days after the original employment agreement has expired.

20.90. Reference Citations —

Employment Contracts: Manpower Act No. 13 of 2003, arts. 22, 54, 56-58, 60, 63-66, 108-115
Restrictions on Hiring: Manpower Act No. 13 of 2003, arts. 1, 68; Regulation No 37/POJK.03, 2017 (Indonesian)


70.10. 印尼休假Vacation —


Workers are entitled to 12 days of paid annual leave after they have worked for 12 consecutive months.
At least six days of this leave must be taken consecutively.
In some companies, employees who have been with the employer for six consecutive years get one month of paid leave in each of the next two years.
This long break is available after every six years the worker has been with the company.
Annual leave must be taken within six months of its accrual.

70.20. 印尼假期Holidays —

  • 1 月 1 日:元旦
  • 中國新年
  • 先知穆罕默德誕辰
  • 印度教新年
  • 先知穆罕默德的升天
  • 耶穌受難日
  • 衛塞節
  • 耶穌升天節
  • 國際勞動節
  • 建國五原則紀念日
  • 8 月 17 日:印尼獨立紀念日
  • 開齋節(五天)
  • 宰牲節
  • 伊斯蘭新年
  • 12 月 25 日:聖誕節
  • 12 月 26 日不得要求員工在假期工作,除非工作性質是由人力部長決定必須在這些日子工作。

Public holidays in Indonesia are as follows • Jan. 1: New Year’s Day • Chinese New Year • Prophet Muhammad’s Birthday • Hindu New Year • Ascension of the Prophet Muhammad • Good Friday • Vesak Day • Ascension • International Labor Day • Pancasila Day • Aug. 17: Independence Day • Idul Fitri (five days) • Idul Adha • Islamic New Year • Dec. 25: Christmas Day • Dec. 26
Workers cannot be required to work on holidays unless the nature of the job is such that work must be performed on these days, as determined by the minister of manpower.
Employees who are required to work on a holiday must be paid twice their normal wage.
Holidays that occur on a weekend are not moved to another date.

70.30. 印尼產假Maternity Leave —

女性員工有權在分娩前1個半月和後 1 個半月休雇主帶薪產假。
如果流產可以休 1個半月的帶薪休假。如果需要由產科醫生或助產士證明,這些假期可以延長。

Female workers have the right to employer-paid maternity leave 1 1/2 months before and 1 1/2 months after giving birth.
A worker who suffers a miscarriage may also take 1 1/2 months of paid leave.
These periods of leave can be extended if the need is attested to by an obstetrician or midwife.
Workers who take leave must be reinstated to the same position in the same workplace upon return to employment.
If a female worker is pregnant and/or breastfeeding, she may not be required to perform work that endangers her health or that of her child.
Termination on the basis of marriage, pregnancy or childbirth is illegal.

70.40. 印尼陪產假Paternity Leave —


A male employee is entitled to two days’ employer-paid leave following the birth of a child or his wife’s miscarriage.

70.50. 印尼病假Sick Leave —

在前四個月,必須補償工資的 100%; 第二個四個月,75%; 第三個四個月,50%;之後幾個月,為25%。
如果因病缺勤 12 個月後,雇主可以解僱該僱員。女性員工如無法工作,可休兩天的月經假。

Employers are required to compensate employees absent from work due to illness provided the employee submits medical certification.
For the first four months, compensation must be at 100 percent of wages; for the second four, 75 percent; the third four, 50 percent; and subsequent months, 25 percent.
After 12 months’ absence due to illness, the employer can fire the employee.
Female employees are entitled to two days’ menstruation leave if they are unable to work.

其他休假Other Leave —


  • 婚禮(三天);
  • 分娩/陪產假(兩天);
  • 兒童婚禮(兩天);
  • 兒子的割禮(兩天);
  • 孩子的洗禮(兩天);
  • 妻子流產(兩天);
  • 配偶、子女、兒媳、父母或岳父母去世(兩天);
  • 員工家庭的另一名成員死亡(一天);
  • 國家義務;
  • 宗教義務;和
  • 經雇主許可的工會活動。

Workers are entitled to paid leave in the following circumstances: • wedding (three days); • birth of child/paternity leave (two days); • children’s wedding (two days); • son’s circumcision (two days); • child’s baptism (two days); • wife’s miscarriage (two days); • death of a spouse, child, child-in-law, parent or parent-in-law (two days); • death of another member of a worker’s household (one day); • state obligations; • religious obligations; and • trade union activities with the permission of the employer.

70.60. 印尼養老金和社會保障Pensions and Social Security —

員工的社會保障包括以下福利:• 員工補償, • 老年, • 死亡,以及 • 養老金。
自 2019 年 1 月 1 日起,法定退休年齡為 57 歲,並將每三年逐步增加一年,直至達到 65 歲。
員工必須在參加該計劃至少 15 年或 180 個月並達到退休年齡後才能獲得退休福利。

但他們必須參加該計劃至少 10 年,並且福利只能申領至準備退休的總福利的 10% 或購買房屋的 30%。
遺屬福利:死亡撫卹金適用於參加社會保障系統的已故參與者的遺屬,他們在死亡時未滿 55 歲,或在 55 歲及以上並領取定期養老金。
保單保費為員工工資的 5%,部分由雇主承擔(基本工資的 4% 加固定津貼),另一部分由員工承擔(基本工資的 1% 加固定津貼)。

All employees, including foreign workers, who have been employed for at least six months in Indonesia are obliged to become a member of the social security program.
Social security for workers covers the following benefits: • workers’ compensation, • old age, • death, and • pension.
Effective Jan. 1 2019, the legal retirement age is 57, and will gradually increase by one year every three years until it reaches 65.
Retirement benefits can be obtained by employees only after they have been enrolled in the program for at least 15 years or 180 months and reached retirement age.

Participants may also claim the benefits before they satisfy any of the above requirements in order to prepare themselves for retirement before they reach retirement age, although they must have participated in the program for at least 10 years and the benefits can only be claimed up to either 10 percent of total benefits for preparing for retirement or 30 percent to buy a house.
Survivors’ benefits: Death benefits are available to survivors of deceased participants in the social security system who were under the age of 55 when killed or 55 and older and receiving a periodic pension.
Medical insurance: Employers must provide medical coverage for workers, their spouses and up to five children.
The policy premium is 5 percent of workers’ pay, borne partly by the employer (4 percent of basic salary plus fixed allowance) and partly by the worker (1 percent of basic salary plus fixed allowance).

70.70. 印尼勞動賠償金Workers’ Compensation —


A work accident is one that occurs in connection with employment and includes diseases arising from the workplace as well as accidents that occur during travel to and from work.
Workers who suffer an occupational accident are entitled to compensation for transportation costs and costs of treatment and rehabilitation, as well as payments to cover temporary incapacity to work, partial or total disability (mental or physical), and death benefits.
Presidential Regulation No. 7 of 2019 clarified the definition of occupational disease, the scope of coverage, and the types of diseases that are covered under work accident social security.

70.90. Reference Citations —

Vacation: Manpower Act No. 13 of 2003, arts. 79, 84
Holidays: Ministry of Human Development and Culture, National Holidays 2017 (Indonesian);
Ministry of Manpower Decree on Overtime Hours and Wages, No. Kep.102/Men/VI/2004, art. 11 (Indonesian)
Maternity Leave: Manpower Act No. 13 of 2003, arts. 76, 82, 153
Paternity Leave: Manpower Act No. 13 of 2003, art. 93(4)(e)
Sick Leave: Manpower Act No. 13 of 2003, arts. 81, 93(3)
Other Leave: Manpower Act No. 13 of 2003, art. 93(4)
Pensions and Social Security: Manpower Act No. 13 of 2003, art. 99; Labor Social Security Act, No. 3 of 1992, arts. 1, 3, 17-19, 22 (Indonesian);
Government Regulation on Workers Social Security Program No. 14 of 1993, arts 2-7 (Indonesian)
Workers’ Compensation: Labor Social Security Act, No. 3 of 1992, arts. 6, 8-11 (Indonesian);
Government Regulation on Workers Social Security Program, No. 14 of 1993, arts. 12-21 (Indonesian);
Government Regulation No. 79 of 1998 on the First Amendment of the Government Regulation No. 14 of 1993, art. 22 (Indonesian)


100.10. 印尼雇主終止僱用Termination by Employer —


  • 員工在試用期,
  • 員工提出書面辭職,
  • 特定時間段的合同到期或
  • 員工已達到公司規定、集體協議或勞動法規定的退休年齡。


  • 盜竊公司物品或金錢;
  • 損害公司利益的欺詐行為;
  • 酒精中毒或在工作中使用其他成癮物質;
  • 工作中的猥褻;
  • 在工作中賭博;
  • 攻擊、威脅或恐嚇同事或主管;
  • 虐待雇主或其家人;
  • 在工作中勸說他人違反法律或法規;
  • 對生命或公司財產的魯莽或蓄意損害;
  • 洩露商業秘密;
  • 連續五天沒有提交書面解釋或
  • 犯下需要五年或更長時間監禁的罪行。


  • 因病缺勤,只要員工連續缺勤的時間不超過 12 個月,並且病情得到醫生的書面確認;
  • 因履行政府義務而缺席;
  • 因履行宗教義務而缺席;
  • 缺席結婚;
  • 因懷孕、分娩、流產或哺乳而缺席;
  • 與另一名員工有關,除非集體談判協議或公司規定要求終止;
  • 加入工會;
  • 報告了雇主犯下的罪行;
  • 有特定的信仰、宗教、政治觀點、民族、膚色、種族、性別、身體狀況或婚姻狀況或
  • 由於與工作有關的事故而殘疾或生病,並且無法確定恢復期

It is quite difficult to terminate employees in Indonesia.
The Manpower Act states that employers, as well as trade unions and workers, must “make all efforts” to prevent the termination of employment.
Employers must consult the worker’s union—or contact workers directly if they are not union members—before terminating employment.
If an agreement cannot be reached between those parties, the employer must seek the government’s permission to terminate the worker.
During the termination process, the employer can suspend the worker but must continue to pay salary and provide benefits.
Employers do not need permission to dismiss a worker when:

  • the employee is on probation,
  • the employee has offered a written resignation,
  • a contract for a specified period of time expires or
  • a worker has reached retirement age, as specified in company regulations, collective agreements or labor law. Employers have the right to terminate the employment of a worker for the following conduct:
  • theft of company goods or money;
  • fraud that harms the company;
  • alcoholic intoxication or consumption of other addictive substances at work;
  • indecency at work;
  • gambling at work;
  • attacks, threats or intimidation of co-workers or supervisors;
  • abuse of the employer or his or her family;
  • persuasion of others at work to break laws or regulations;
  • reckless or deliberate damage to life or company property;
  • divulging trade secrets;
  • missing work for five consecutive days without submitting a written explanation or
  • committing crimes that warrant a five-year or longer prison sentence.

Indonesian law prohibits employers from terminating workers because they:

  • are absent due to illness, as long as the worker is not absent for more than 12 straight months and the illness is confirmed in writing by a physician;
  • are absent because fulfilling government obligations;
  • are absent because fulfilling religious obligations;
  • are absent to get married;
  • are absent because of pregnancy, childbirth, miscarriage or to breast-feed;
  • are related to another worker, unless such a termination is required by collective bargaining agreement or company regulations;
  • are involved with a trade union;
  • have reported a crime committed by the employer;
  • have a particular belief, religion, political viewpoint, ethnicity, color, race, sex, physical condition or marital status or
  • are disabled or ill because of a work-related incident and the period of recovery cannot be determined.

員工終止僱用Termination by Employee —

員工可以提前至少 30 天通知終止僱傭關係。


    • 對員工進行身體或口頭辱罵,
    • 命令或說服員工進行非法行為,
    • 連續三個月或更長時間沒有及時支付工資,
    • 不履行對員工的義務,
    • 指示員工履行其合同分配的工作以外的職責,或
    • 分配危及員工生命、安全、健康或道德的工作,如果此類工作並未在工作合同中指定。


Workers can end the employment relationship by giving at least 30 days’ notice.
Unless they terminate the contract for cause, however, employees do not receive severance or reward pay.
Workers can ask the government for permission to terminate a contract and still be eligible for severance and reward pay if the employer: • is physically or verbally abusive to the worker, • orders or persuades the worker to commit illegal acts, • does not pay wages promptly for three consecutive months or more, • does not live up to obligations to the worker, • instructs the worker to perform duties outside his or her contractually assigned job or • assigns jobs that endanger the life, safety, health or morality of the worker, if such a job has not been specified in the work contract.

If a worker gets permission to terminate the contract for cause, he or she gets double severance pay, reward pay and benefits payments.
If the worker loses the case, however, the employer may terminate the contract without providing any severance or reward pay.
100.20. 印尼工廠關閉和大規模裁員Plant Closings and Mass Layoffs —


  • 員工不願意繼續他們的工作,
  • 雇主不想在新企業僱用員工,
  • 企業連續兩年虧損或因不可抗力(“天災”)倒閉,
  • 企業因其他原因關閉或
  • 企業破產。


Should the nature of the employer change, through either a merger or a change in ownership, the employer is given considerable leeway to terminate its workers.
Under such circumstances, the employer may terminate employees if:
• the workers are not willing to continue their employment,
• the employer does not want to employ the workers in the new enterprise,
• the enterprise closes down because of losses for two consecutive years or because of force majeure (”act of God”),
• the enterprise closes for other reasons or
• the enterprise goes bankrupt. In these cases, the terminated workers are entitled to severance and reward pay and payment for benefits, but if the terminations are because the employer does not want to employ the workers in the new enterprise or the company closes for reasons other than losses or force majeure, severance pay is doubled.

100.30. 印尼終止僱用合約資遣Payment on Termination —


  • 遣散費,
  • 一次性支付,作為對所提供服務的獎勵和
  • 支付他們有權享受的任何福利,例如未使用的年假,以及住房和醫療保健津貼。
    對於在公司工作了 3 至 6 年的員工,獎勵工資從兩個月的工資開始,每再工作三年增加一個月的工資,最多可在 24 年的服務中獲得 10 個月的工資或者更多。

Terminated employees are entitled to: • severance pay, • a lump sum that constitutes a reward for service rendered and • payment for any benefits to which they are entitled, such as unused annual leave and housing and health care allowances.
The amount of severance starts at one month’s salary for up to a year of service with the company and increases by a month’s salary for each further year of service up to a maximum of nine months’ wages for eight years or more of service.
The reward pay starts at two months’ salary for workers who have been with a company for from three to six years and increases by a month’s salary for every three further years of service up to a maximum of 10 months’ wages for 24 years of service or more.
Workers who are fired for cause do not receive severance or reward pay, but are entitled to payments for benefits.

100.40. 印尼失業保險Unemployment Insurance —

印尼無失業保險制度 There is no unemployment insurance system in Indonesia.

100.90. Reference Citations —

Termination by Employer: Manpower Act No. 13 of 2003, arts. 153, 161-172
Termination by Employee: Manpower Act No. 13 of 2003, art. 162
Plant Closings and Mass Layoffs: Manpower Act No. 13 of 2003, art. 164
Payment on Termination: Manpower Act No. 13 of 2003, art. 156

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Jakarta time zone:
The Engaging Manager Cindy Luo, Indonesia citizenship, speak English, Bahasa and Chinese

China Time Zone:
聯絡人: 林幸穗 Anny Lin 協理
skype: annylin8008
wechat: annylin8008
電話:+886-2-2717-0515 分機:110

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